Saturday, June 20, 2015

Picking out the perfect Betta!

You definitely want to choose a Betta Fish you want to keep for a long time! Betta fish live for quite some time... Some people have gotten them up to 6 years, but the most common lifespan of a Betta is about 2-3 years, with good care. If you aren't into shopping online, shipping things, or driving cross country to find a Betta, I recommend PetCo or PetSmart! Most every town or city has one! Please, please, PLEASE, DO NOT BUY BETTAS FROM GROCERY STORES LIKE WALMART!!! They treat their fish with absolutely AWFUL quality, and it's just awful there. Anyways, if you're a first time Betta owner, I recommend getting a single male Betta. If you can't afford some giant tank, you can go for something smaller. Remember, this is for one Betta. Make sure you have AT LEAST 1/2 a gallon if not more. I love 15 gallons for my female Betta sororities, but what you start out with will make do. Don't forget food lol. Anyways, you want a healthy Betta so when you take him home he won't kick the bucket... Find a few that you like. Then it's time to narrow the choices. Look for the ones who don't have poopie floating around in their cups. The ones who have clear water. And the ones who look active. Once you do this, line the healthy ones up, in a row. See if they flare at each other which shows if they are healthy or... Like half dead. Then once you see the ones who puff their gills, pick out the prettiest Betta in the group! I hope you and your new Fighting Fish get along well!

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